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           The preparation of this work, in a digital platform format, arises from a challenge proposed by the supervising professors of the curricular unit of Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing, Professor Tânia Lourenço and Professor Luísa Gonçalves, in symbiosis with the Statistics and Informatics course. in Health and Nursing, taught by Engineer Vitorino Gouveia. In this perspective, we will explore nursing diagnoses and the respective interventions associated with hallucinations, delusions and compromised cognition, in the context of primary and hospital care.

           However, before referring the objectives that we proposed for the elaboration of this website, for a better understanding of our themes, we consider it pertinent to approach the concept of mental health.


it is seen as “a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being”, being a fundamental component in the individual's life.



(WHO, 2005)

           Over time, Mental Health has gained another prominence in our daily lives and, in our opinion, although the population is more informed, this is not fully understood, so the main objectives are to clarify the readers, whether them students, health professionals or people with diagnosed mental illness and / or family members, as well as the general population.

Therefore, in this work, we outline the main objectives:


Define the concept of mental health;

Addressing nursing diagnoses (hallucinations, delusions and impaired cognition) in the hospital and community context;

Establish nursing interventions for these same diagnoses, based on bibliography / scientific articles.

           On the other hand, in order to make the site more dynamic, we have also established some objectives, such as:


Exhibit content related to mental health in a dynamic way;

Include recent studies related to the nursing focuses covered;

Refer updated epidemiological data;

Inform about the main possible places to go when the person himself or an acquaintance is detected warning signs that may evolve to the nursing diagnoses worked on here.



We are students of the 3rd year of the Nursing Degree Course at the Escola Superior de Enfermagem São José de Cluny, involved in the academic community, namely, in the Students Association, in the Pedagogical Council, in the Cluny Events and in the Tuna Académica.

In the photo shown above, we can see Ricardo Novita, a determined and critical boy, Kelly Andrade, shy and applied, Nuno Teixeira, fun and true, Mónica Santos, communicative and responsible, Filipa Moreira, friendly and persistent, Isabel Rodrigues, assertive and helpful and, last one, Francisco Costa, calm and insightful.

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